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The following is an excerpt from the book entitled Comprehensive Sparring by Donald M. Husband Jr. This sample is not to be copied, transmitted, reproduced, or reprinted in any fashion without the consent of Vision Quest. Click here to see how you can order this book.


When the athlete begins to learn how to initiate an attack, they are better off knowing some advanced principles in their fighting art. They must previously evaluate attacks and feints as to facilitate a better fight plan.

Objectively feints are used to draw the opponents attention either to the point of feeling threatened, or a sense of over confidence. Feints can be directed to open a specific line or target for an attack. The movements could be anything from a feint to the opponents upper region to open the lower part of their body (or low to open high) or simply faking the opponent out by pretending to do sloppy feints in order for the athlete to open the advantage. Feints can also be used as an evasive maneuver to escape the opponents range of attacks or as an engagement to get inside the opponents range.

The following examples are just a few common feints that are often employed as to give the beginning Martial Artist an idea of their possible uses. (Note: When employing a fake as stated below, the athlete must realized the fake itself can be followed through as a decisive technique should the opponent not block or retreat from the technique.)

Feints can be executed in a variety of ways. The athlete can employ punches, kicks, grappling techniques, shifting, etc., either in single techniques or combinations of techniques to open up for the final attack.

No matter the type of feinting used, it usually puts a tremendous amount of pressure on the opponent. This pressure can be added simply by changing the rythym or timing of an attack that the athlete is trying to achieve. Grabbing one of the opponents weapons (or immobilizing it) can give the athlete a momentary window for an attack.

have visited this page since 11 June 97.